OTS Lift The Limit (Non-Member)


*Please read Q&A or email us ([email protected]) for clarification

What you'll get:

  • FULL ACCESS to the OTS Lift The Limit Event
  • Includes FULL judged lift schedule + rankings
  • ACCESS to the event portal where you can keep up to date with the event and the other competitors
  • BRANDED competition t-shirt commemorating the date and your accomplishment



  • All services provided by onlythestronginc are non-refundable or transferable – Under no condition may your commitment to this program be refunded
  • In the event that for any reason the meet is unable to run on October 5th, 2024, the alternate date will be October 26th, 2024. Unfortunately there will be no concessions or refunds granted for any reason. 
  • Portal access will automatically conclude at the end of the training period
  • In the event that you are found to have abused portal use privilege (IE. Shared passwords, Copyright infringement) your portal access will be immediately revoked and no refund will be provided
  • WHAT YOU WILL NEED. All participants will need a standard singlet and lifting socks to participate. You will be provided with examples of the necessary standards after registration
  • CONSENT. I, the participant have been informed, understand and am aware that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment are potentially hazardous activities. I also have been informed, understand and am aware that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment with full knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the dangers involved.

  • LIABILITY. I, the participant have been informed, understand and am aware that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, including the use of equipment are potentially hazardous activities. I also have been informed, understand and am aware that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment with full knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the dangers involved. I also agree not to hold the corporation (onlythestrongINC) or any affiliate responsible for any occurrences of physical injury or harm that may occur while participating or as a result of the Lift The Limit Event.

  • MEDIA. onlythestrongINC reserves all right to take photographs, video work or any combination of the the two for their own professional business pursuits. As a willing participant at the OTS Lift The Limit Event you acknowledge there is a possibility you may be filmed or photographed and you accept the use of these pieces of media however onlythestrongINC may see fit. Furthermore, you assume zero control or ownership over the media or the financial returns that may be assumed through use of the media 

  • VOID. onlythestrongINC reserves all right to cancel or nullify any agreement due to dissatisfaction of the terms (EX. Participant expresses conduct detrimental to company core values or Participant does not comply the necessary requirements to uphold a progressive relationship with the organization) If the participant in anyway becomes a hazard to the health and/or safety of other attendees, they will be requested and required to leave immediately


Add in a ONE HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTE technical session with Daniel, the Program Director. In the session you will cover the Squat, Bench & Deadlift and:

  • Optimal lift set up for your body type to maximize your training
  • Discuss best programming strategies leading up to the event
  • Create an approximate 3-rep max to help you gauge the most efficient training strategy.

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